fredag den 2. november 2012

Pokemon Adventures RS

"At a Certain Time, In a Certain Place... ...Another Story has Begun..."
the opening narration for the Ruby and Sapphire arc. quite fitting for the new part of PokeSpe.

This Arc revolves around the Titular characters. the story really begins to unfold when Ruby and Sapphire make a bet: 80 days to complete their respective goals. for Ruby, that's winning 5 contests each in 4 towns through-out Hoenn. for Sapphire, it's defeating 8 gymleaders. once again, the plot is character-driven.

another highlight is the gym battles. right from the very start, it's evident that her victories are due to brain power, rather than muscle power.

but what this arc really seems to be about, is Deconstruct the very existence of Pokemon themselves. Ruby, Sapphire and others can attest to the fact that wild Pokemon can inflict serious injuries to Trainers and Pokemon who aren't strong enough to defend themselves, which serves to give the Series some relative Realism.