We interrupt your regularly scheduled Manga review, to bring you a Public Service Announcement.
PaperiniK New Adventures.
Calling it a Disney version of PokeSpe, wouldn't be entirely incorrect.
PaperiniK New Adventures.
Calling it a Disney version of PokeSpe, wouldn't be entirely incorrect.
some of you may know the protagonist: This Guy:
yeah, yeah... it's donald duck.
Give it a chance. it's very good in spite of it, or Because of it, as the case may be.
The Series features donald duck, and a brand new cast of characters, allies and enemies.
Also, Surprising, given the source material, this series features Darker Content, than most other disney publications.
the plot begins when he foils a assault by a strange pair of aliens downtown, marking his first encounter with the Evron empire, who is established to have depopulated a number of worlds prior to discovering earth, and taken some unfortunate survivors with them, to provide nourishment for the Evrons.
seeing that his previous gadgets and weapons are largely ineffectual on his newfound enemies, he decides to find new allies and weapons, to aid him.
Enter Xadhoom.
a survivor of a previous Evronian genocide, she quickly teams up with him to get revenge.
and so the stage is set for the series to unfold.
Spanning 53 Issues, and having a far more enjoyable Twilight story, if you read PokeSpe and Loved it,
PaperiniK New Adventures should likewise provide quality reading, once you get past that it's donald freaking duck fighting aliens, of course.
we now return you to the Pokemon Special / Adventures review, already in progress.
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